Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cybersecurity Industry Trends in Q2 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats is a constant challenge. This blog post will delve into the key trends in Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and wider cybersecurity in Q2 2023, with a focus on the activities of leading cybersecurity firms CrowdStrike and Mandiant.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Trends

1. Partnerships and Collaborations

In response to the escalating complexity of cyber threats, leading cybersecurity firms Mandiant and CrowdStrike have formed strategic partnerships to enhance their cybersecurity offerings. Mandiant’s Managed Defense has expanded to support CrowdStrike and SentinelOne, integrating their advanced threat detection and response capabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a more comprehensive and effective defense against sophisticated cyber threats, demonstrating the industry’s move towards cooperative defense strategies.

2. Threat Intelligence

Both CrowdStrike and Mandiant have continued to specialize in threat intelligence, offering products and services that provide real-time indicators of cyber attacks and risks. Their threat intelligence feeds provide continuous data streams that gather information related to cyber risks or threats, enabling organizations to proactively defend against potential attacks. The emphasis on threat intelligence underscores its importance in today’s cybersecurity landscape, where timely and accurate information is critical to effective defense.

3. State-Sponsored Cyber Threats

The threat from state-sponsored cyber attacks continues to be a significant concern. Reports have confirmed that state actors, particularly from China and Iran, have been leveraging vulnerabilities like Log4j to conduct cyber espionage and sabotage. This highlights the geopolitical dimension of cybersecurity, with nation-states increasingly using cyber capabilities to advance their strategic interests. It also underscores the importance of patch management and vulnerability assessment in cybersecurity strategies.

4. AI and Cloud Computing in Cybersecurity

The use of AI and cloud computing in cybersecurity has been a notable trend. CrowdStrike has debuted a generative AI cybersecurity chatbot and new AWS integrations, leveraging the power of AI to enhance threat detection and response. The move towards cloud-based cybersecurity solutions also reflects the industry’s adaptation to the increasing digitization and decentralization of work environments.

5. Cyber Threat Reports

CrowdStrike and Mandiant have been diligent in releasing regular reports on the global cyber threat landscape. These reports uncover notable themes, trends, and events, providing valuable insights for organizations and cybersecurity professionals. They serve as important resources for understanding the evolving threat landscape and informing cybersecurity strategies.

6. Human Intelligence (HUMINT) in Cybersecurity

The role of human intelligence in cybersecurity has been highlighted, with strategies including infiltrating and engaging with threat actors on underground crime networks and forums. This approach, often referred to as HUMINT, provides unique insights into the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of cybercriminals, complementing technical threat intelligence to provide a more holistic understanding of the threat landscape.

7. Cybersecurity Decisions and Threat Intelligence

A survey from Mandiant revealed that cyber threat intelligence is often overlooked in cybersecurity decisions. Despite the wealth of information that threat intelligence provides, many organizations fail to fully utilize it in their cybersecurity strategies. This finding underscores the need for greater integration of threat intelligence in decision-making processes to enhance cybersecurity effectiveness.

8. Acquisitions

CrowdStrike has made strategic acquisitions, such as Reposify, to enhance their threat intelligence capabilities. These acquisitions not only expand CrowdStrike’s technical capabilities but also demonstrate the growing market consolidation in the cybersecurity industry, with larger firms acquiring specialized companies to broaden their service offerings.

Wider Cybersecurity Trends

Beyond CTI, several broader cybersecurity trends have emerged in Q2 2023, as highlighted by various sources including Gartner, The Hacker News, and Forbes.

1. Threat Exposure Management

Organizations are increasingly focusing on threat exposure management, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers. This proactive approach is crucial in minimizing the attack surface and enhancing cybersecurity resilience.

2. Identity Fabric Immunity

Identity Fabric Immunity is emerging as a key trend, with organizations implementing robust identity and access management (IAM) solutions to secure user identities across various systems and platforms. This approach helps to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data.

3. Cybersecurity Validation

Cybersecurity validation, which involves testing and verifying the effectiveness of cybersecurity controls, is becoming increasingly important. This helps organizations to identify potential weaknesses and make necessary improvements to their cybersecurity posture.

4. Cloud Security

As more businesses migrate to the cloud, securing these environments has become a top priority. Cloud security involves protecting cloud-based data, applications, and infrastructure from cyber threats, and is a key focus area in 2023.

5. Mobile Security

With the widespread use of mobile devices in the workplace, mobile security is a growing concern. This involves protecting both corporate and personal mobile devices from threats such as malware, phishing, and data breaches.

6. IoT Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, with more devices connected to the internet than ever before. This has led to an increased focus on IoT security, as these devices can often be a weak point in cybersecurity defenses.

7. Cyber Insurance

As the cost and frequency of cyber attacks continue to rise, more businesses are turning to cyber insurance as a way to mitigate financial risk. Cyber insurance can cover costs associated with data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber incidents.

In conclusion, Q2 2023 has seen significant developments in both CTI and wider cybersecurity trends. As we move forward, it will be crucial for organizations to stay abreast of these trends and adapt their cybersecurity strategies accordingly. The ongoing threat from state-sponsored cyber attacks, the underutilization of threat intelligence in decision-making, and the increasing importance of cloud, mobile, and IoT security are all areas that organizations need to focus on in the coming months.